Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sheriff’s Department Short-Handed

Though there is of course no good time for such a shocking, cowardly act of extreme violence, the murder last night of Lennie Guttman could not possibly have come at a worse time. With Sheriff Dave Kring in the hospital recovering from back surgery, early indications are that the investigation will be headed up by Deputy Danny Young, at least until outside resources can be procured to assist and possibly take over.

While Deputy Young is a perfectly polite young man and has been adopted by Willow Cove as a sort of town mascot, there are some who question whether he possesses the experience and wherewithal to take charge of such an important and unprecedented investigation. It is not unfair at all to say that there is nothing in his three years of experience that could have possibly prepared him for a task of this magnitude.

Some comfort can be taken in that fact that he would essentially be leading the investigation in name only and by proxy, as Sheriff Kring would undoubtedly be assisting and advising from his hospital bed, and he certainly has very few other claims on his time, and none as pressing. However, in an investigation of this type, one cannot possibly overstate the importance of “boots on the ground” and a first-hand accounting of the crime scene, evidence, possible witnesses and all that comes with a full-scale investigation.

We are sure we’re not alone in wishing Deputy Young all the best in this, his first case heading up the Sheriff’s Department. But at the same time, we are also sure we’re joined by many in our fervent hoping for substantial reinforcements to arrive, and soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well I think Deputy Young has been doing a fine job so far. Don't listen to the doubters, Danny, you're making us all proud.
