Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Town Meeting Tonight

An emergency town meeting has been called for tonight to discuss the grisly circumstances in which Willow Cove now finds itself entangled. Authorities intend to use the meeting to solicit any information that may be helpful in their investigation, as well as quash the rumors that have already begun circulating and allay any fears townspeople may be harboring, reasonably or otherwise.

The meeting will be in the cafeteria of Willow Cove High School. It starts promptly at 7:00pm and will be led by Deputy Danny Young. Sheriff Dave Kring will be in attendance by conference call.

After opening remarks by both Sheriff Kring and Deputy Young, there will be a Q&A session for any questions, comments, and concerns about the murder of Lennie Guttman. As the meeting is scheduled for only two hours, attendees are respectfully asked not to monopolize the Q&A and to keep all questions and comments on topic. Anything not related to the murder of Lennie Guttman must wait until the next regularly scheduled town meeting less than two weeks away, on Monday, July 30th.

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